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Young Adults and Work Life -The New Normal


Young Adults and Work Life -The New Normal

Achal Chaurasia Updates - Young Adults Work Life
Achal Chaurasia Updates - Young Adults Work Life

In my opinion,young adults are often tagged to work differently. The usual 9-5 job work scenario doesn’t sit right in their opinion. This particular job work pattern seems to be quite monotonous, continuous, regular and somehow boring. This is the reason why many millennials and young adults quit their jobs around early thirties or even late twenties sometimes. The struggle is impeccable and the repercussions leave a lasting impact on individuals who witness such situations closely.

Millennial Work Culture

Millennials are referred to as people usually lying in the age group of 25-35. When they were teenagers, degree education carried utmost importance and weightage when it came to career settlement. It is in their era mainly that engineering, computer science and medicine gained immense support and popularity amongst the Indian population.

People used to ace the career game if they were successful in getting a degree in technical education. A bachelor’s degree was considered to be good enough while a master’s degree had another level of respect altogether. Jobs could easily be fetched by getting educated on these terms as the employers also worked according to the trends and patterns in the market.

Anyhow, this was all about the job sector for millennials back then. For people involved in the business sector, getting degrees and technical education wasn’t considered to be much important. Business, back then, was believed to be nothing related to theory but just practical knowledge, which can only be earned in forms of experience.

Nowadays,the market trends are somehow changing in this aspect. It’s not only the theoretical or technical knowledge that is required for an individual to have but also practical knowledge. It’s the era of combined skill and technical knowledge that will help an individual to leave a positive mark in the world of ever increasing competition.

Gen-Z Work Culture

Individuals who are known to be a part of Gen-Z are born and brought up in an era that is very much different from the time of millennials. Societal expectations and factors that are faced by people of this era are quite different from that of the previous era. Taking into consideration the increasing competition, merely reading books and getting theoretical knowledge isn’t enough. Gaining practical knowledge based on real life experiences is as important as bookish knowledge.

Parents and even youngsters themselves leave no stone unturned to get trained in such a way that their overall development is not at stake. Starting from learning good communication techniques, technological loopholes, personality grooming lessons, etc. they try to make use of all resources available to them and work to the best of their potential.

Young and Budding Leaders

It’s common to see teenagers with an age of just 18-19 years starting up their own businesses nowadays. Yes, learning and entering the market is no more restricted by age barriers. We can even see a business run by an 18 year old exceeding the turnovers of a business run by a 30 year old. It depends on the success of the idea that’s behind the establishment of the business plan and not the experience or age of the founder.

At the end

Seeing these changes makes me feel extremely happy and proud of the kind of citizens we are raising to be a part of our country in the future. We can undoubtedly say that if we are able to give our young citizens a safe and resourceful environment to implement their thoughts and ideas, our nation will be successful in climbing the golden ladder that leads to a wonderful level of growth in the future.
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